If you can identify some of the unidentified, date, or name the occasion, please send information to [email protected]
Bob Holdeman teaching
Bonnie Branum and friend
Joe and Anne Flowers with pastor Jimmy Walker
A children’s Sunday School class. Ladies standing: Virginia Hoomes, Florence Donaldson, Jeanette Smith, Sybil Montgomery, Irma Helton. The boy directly in front of Mrs. Montgomery is James Helton. (Can you help us with others?) [email protected]
Youth Choir, 1954
Front Row: Beverly Troutman, Faye Coker, Judy Nall, Sara Ellen Currie, Brenda Turner, Judy Beth Carden, Ike Northrup.
Second Row: Frances Bryers, Ann Enick, Merrill Brown, Leola Merriwether, Francis Butler, James Lewis Merriwether, _____________.
Third Row: (Beginning near the middle) Peggy Richards, Clara Gibbs, Terri Turner, Shirley Dunn, Nancy Donald.
Fourth Row: _________, ____________, John Arthur Brown, _______________, Frances Tyson, Sara Turk, Martha Marsh, Claire Wise, Pepper Brown.
Fifth Row: Judy Wise, ___________, Jimmy Lumpkin, __________, Rodney Hale, Janie Luker.
Sixth Row: Ray Bell, Mike Patton, Daulton Anderson, Gertie Hamilton, Celine Wood, Jean Sherrill, Mary Beth Finley, Warren McCrummen. (Many thanks to Roger and Sandra Owens for identifying so many. If you can identify more, please email us: [email protected].)
Our deacons during the 1980’s: Pastor John Smith, Tim Hawsey, Roger Owens, Albert Helton, Robert Johnson, Sam Graham, Grover Everette, Charles Brantley, Ray Kirk, Carl Copeland, Joe Stafford
1990’s. A girl’s Sunday School Class: Mary Lynn Bryant, Kelsey Brown, Meagan Bell, Jessie McKinley, Katherine Powell
From the Chimes: 1984 Graduates
Pastor Charles Freeman and former pastor Dr. Edgar Arendall (Pastor, Dawson Memorial Baptist Church, Homewood, AL) at the 1986 homecoming.
Ben, Barbara and Kathleen Haley at the 1986 Homecoming
History Committee, 1990’s. Ethel Barnett, Doris Landrum, Laura Nelson, Lucille Howell, David McKinley (Chairman), Irma Helton, Kathryn Lowrey, Kelly Brown (Pastor)
A “Juniors” Sunday School Class, circa 1950. First adult seated, Leon Troutman. Next to him, Lukie Anderson. Ladies standing to the right: Mrs. Turner, and Mirtis Anderson. The two girls in the middle of the front row are Kellene Davis, and Jo Ann Vlasis. Do you recognize others?
Marvin Risher and Levice Bowman, King and Queen, Sweetheart Banquet.
Some of our ladies, 1950’s. Dot Hendrix, Mrs. Horton, Willie Lois Troutman, Clara O’Farrell, Hattie Lou Hawke, Myrtle Mae Williams
Some of our couples, 1950’s. Seated: Vivian Hartwell, Ruth Kirby, Mrs. Cruit, Lois Wiggins, Majorie Vlasis. Standing: Rayford Kirby, Leroy Wiggins, Robert Vlasis
A children’s Sunday School class.
Back row: Bonnie Vickery, Judy Vickery, Irma Helton, Virginia Hoomes, Florence Donaldson, Kathryn Lowrey. Row 3: Al Wright, Sandra Tennant, Donna Sue Reaves, Susan _____, Dave Montgomery, Mark Downing, John Hoomes. Row 2: Alan Holmes, Danny McKinley, Alan Fayard, Eddie Butler, Ricky Cunningham. Row 1: Sawn Bachelor, Sara Transou, ______Burkett, Paula White, _________, ________, Kathy Lowrey.
Some men of the church, after repairing the Landrum home. Front row: Chester Barton, John Spicer, J. B. Weekley, Butch Wood, Earle Goldsmith. 2nd row: ____________, Lukie Anderson, Bill O’Neal, Mr. Funk, Jack Sharpless. 3rd row: Smith Everette, J. L. Merriweather, Tom Forte, J. O Lumpkin, ____________. 4th row: Pastor N. H. McCrummen, Mr. and Mrs. Landrum, __________ Eaton, Dolphie Maxwell
Vacation Bible School, circa 1963. After the new parsonage was built, the old parsonage was used for educational space. The teachers, clockwise, from bottom left: Elsie Nall, Jeanette Smith, Florence Donaldson, Irma Helton, Kathryn Lowrey. The students: Debbie Davis, ______, Kathy Lowrey, Shery Akins, Eddie Butler, Al Wright, Allen Holmes, John Holmes, __________, Sevan Bachelor, Harrison Dukes.
Breaking ground on the church parsonage, January 24, 1959. J. S. Donald, Grover Everette, Pastor John Warner, Bill Hendrix
An adult Sunday School department meets in the Chapel. Center, in the front row, is former Pastor Arnold Hendrix’s great uncle, J. B. Weekley. On the second row, the lady with the white hat is Missouri Cornelia “Neelie” Helton, and to her left is her husband, Edward Bartlett Helton. (Deborah Holmes Hammons’ grandparents). If you can identify others, please notify us at [email protected]
Sweetheart Banquet. Seen: Pastor Bob Norman (to the left in conversation), Queen Levice Bowman (partially hidden), and King Marvin Risher. (Do you recognize others?)
Sweetheart Banquet. Seen: Pastor Bob Norman, and wife Jean. King Marvin Risher, and Queen Levice Bowman. (Do you recognize others?)
1950’s. Randy Currie, Judy Beth Carden, James Lewis Merriweather, Jr.
Vacation Bible School, 1956. Left to Right: Clara Gibbs, Pat McCrory, Wayne Risher, Daulton Anderson, Bill McCrory, Randy Currie, Gertrude Edwards (teacher). Thanks to Marvin and Wayne Risher, and Roger Owens, for identifying these individuals. I
Wednesday Night Supper in the Fellowship Hall
A FBC Daycare Class, 1973. First row: Becca McDonald, Angela Graham, Susie Wooten, Marcie Dawson, Michelle Norris, Ashley Thomley. Second row: Mary Beth Brantley, Jenette Williams, Deloit Davis, Bill Davis, Stacey Lovely. Third row: Ms. Mickie Lipscomb, Dr. John Smith.
Children’s Sunday School. Left to right: Norris Brooks, Katherine Powell, Darby Jernigan, Jill McKinley, Janet Brantley (teacher), Jessie McKinley, Meagan Bell, Mary Lynn Bryant, Kelsey Brown
Groundbreaking for the church’s first educational building. In the background—the Patterson Chapel. The men, left to right, are Mr. B. W. Carter, Mr. Lumpkin, Mr. Webb, Pastor Shep Bryan, and Mr. Paul Graham (contractor). The building was built in 1948.
This is the church’s first sanctuary. The building still stands across Trammell Street from our playground, but is now an apartment building.
1950’s. Willie Lois Troutman teaching a children’s Sunday School class.
1950’s. An adult Sunday School Department, meeting in the new fellowship hall. Some identified are: Robert Maxwell, Dan Downing, Mr. Jones, Merrill Hanks, Johnny Hale, Abbie Lou Fisher, Harold Tennant, Ben Haley, Lois Wiggins, John Edge Jones, Hilda Moore, Bobby Griffin, Mabel Everett, Irma Holk, Floyd Holk, and Rayford Kirby.
1950’s. The “Intermediate” Sunday School Department. Some identified in this picture are: Jean Lawley (Edwards), Diane Lawley, Be Be Currie, Patsy Jones, Judy Beth Carden, Nell Rushing, Annie Laurie Bell, Patsy Lowrey, Jo Nall, Josephine Barnes, Jimmy Lumpkin, and Roscoe Helton.
1959-1960 Standard Sunday School Recognition: J. O. Lumpkin, J. M. Hand, Pastor John Warner, Grover Everette, Tom Forte, W. E. Coker, John Christy.
1950’s. J. L. Merriwether, John Christy, Pastor and Mrs. Warner, Willie Mae McConnnico, Louis McGill Wiakins (Lottie Mission Pastor), Olan Nall (Martinville Mission Pastor)
1950’s. Left to right: Frances Bryars, Pepper Brown, Janie Luker, Linda Wingard, Sylvia Snyder, Doris Nall, Doris Colvin (Youth Director)
May 23, 1956. Pastor Bob Norman, with wife Jean and son Mike.
Mr. N. L. Fickling, and Mr. J. B. Weekley, at a homecoming, August 26, 1956.
1950’s. Graduation from the College of Christian Knowledge: Left to right: Mirtis Anderson, Mrs. Cain, Jewell Carden, Carl Copeland, Mrs. Crawford, Steve Donald, Mrs. T. M. Farris, Mrs. Finklin, Irma Helton, Julia Hand, Tommy Hand, James L. Merriwether, John Hale, Blanch Hale, Mrs. Lavada Montgomery, Willie Mae McConnico, Isabelle Johnson, Jessie McKinley, Pastor Bob Norman, ___________, Addie Belle Copeland, Ottomese Holland, Jean Norman, Mrs. Elsie Shoemake, Totsie Wise, Bill Shoemake, __________, Mrs. O’Neil, _________, Twynette Wells Yeager, ____________, Lois Wiggins.
1950’s, “Intermediate” girls class: Mrs. A. H. Edwards, Billy Ruth Guthrie, Terry Turner, Shirley Dunn
Children, 1950’s. First row: Jackie Currie, Sheila Copeland, Beth Lambeth, Glenn Helton, Lynn McCrummen, Martha Currie, Karen Watson. Second row: Marvin Pipkin, Julie Finley, Joe Lufkin
1970’s, in front of the Patterson Chapel. Ethel Hawke, Mae Holloway, Velma Nichols, Mabel Vickery, Elsie Nall, Alice Joyce Pipkin, Bessie English, Willie Mae McConnico, Mr. James, Sue Taylor, Ruby Hale, Bama Buxton, Ulay Wise, Steve Donald, Jessie Donald, Jan Buxton
1960’s. Standing: Willena Godwin, Mrs. Lavada Montgomery, Evelyn Turberville, Mims Tanner, Addie Belle Copeland, Eugene McNeil. Children: Shery Akins, Nancy Hodgens, Rusty Madison, Wayne Fayard, Lavon Smith, Janet Helton, Brenda Amos, Kirt Donaldson, John Donaldson, David Maxwell, Martha Butler, Roma Wells, Daryl Forrester.
1971, GA Coronation. Top row: GA’s Ann Graham, Donna Sue Reaves, Deborah Barden, Julia Holk, Deborah Holmes, Susan Bachelor. Attendants ____________, Joannie Reaves, Thomas Brantley, _____________, Jennifer Hodgen, Sara Windham. Middle row: Janelle Hyler, Dawn Dickerson. Bottom row: Jalene Hyler, Susan Holk, Karen Smith, Kathleen Haley, Linda Stafford
The Church Chimes, introducing Pastor John Smith and his family.
1970’s Note burning. Pastor John Smith, Robert Maxwell, Carl Copeland, Ulay Wise
1960’s. Main Street, North of the Patterson Chapel: The Stallworth House, and The Patterson House. (Site of current sanctuary and main parking lot)
Pastor Dr. John E. Smith, at the pulpit. Pastor 1973-1982
Bible Drill Participants, 1996. Ryan Brown, Leah Weaver, Mandi Norton
The Church Chimes introduces the Browns.
The Sanctuary Choir, 1980’s. Leading: Bubba Eubank. Front row, left to right: Amyrillis Davis, Marilyn Herring, Ray Kirk, Robert Johnson, Bobby Davis, Don Herring. Middle row: _____________, ______________, Jo Ellen Brantley, Kellene Davis, Sheryl West, Grover Everette, Joe Stafford, ______________, ___________, Karen Eubank, Amy Norton. Back row: Lucile Brown, Ethel Barnett, _____________, Jeanette Byrd, Pat Kirk, Roger Owens, Bob Holdeman, Gene Hall, Tom Brown, Dot Everette, Phyllis Holdeman. (Thanks to Roger Owens for identifications)
April, 1988. Dorcas Sunday School Class. Back row: Cynthia Butler, Lois Coker, Lillian Smith, Josephine Barnes, Lillian Miller, Virginia Griffin, Rubye Lee Kizer, Alyce Joyce Pipkin, Annis Bell. Front row: Cleo Furney, Tommie Jones, Eulene Cargill, Bessie English.
The Church Chimes, introducing Pastor Charles Freeman.
Easter, 1996. Pastor Kelly Brown, and Keith Reaves (Minister of Music)
August, 1995, Ordination of Matthew Dobson. From left to right: Matthew Dobson (Youth Minister), Pastor Kelly Brown, Keith Reaves (Minister of Music)
Church Chimes introduces the Walkers.
August 26, 1956, Homecoming. The man with the chicken leg already in his mouth, and probably the baggiest pants ever made, is Pastor Bob Norman. His wife is ahead of him. Recognize any others?
Cradle Roll Recognition, May 20, 1956. Frank Patricks, Lester Nichols, ____________, Tommy Fortes, _____________, Lucille Amos, Jessie McKinley, Mabel Everette, Irma Helton, Pastor Bob Norman, Lois Wiggins, Myrtle Manning, Willie Lois Troutman, Belle Bachelor. (Notice the old Broadman hymnals in the pew racks!)
1973. First Baptist Kindergarten class. Standing, Mrs. Betty Ward, Pastor John Smith, Mrs. Holk. Students (No particular order): Tim Brown, Ronnie Dove, Jason Ward, Eric Atwood, Mia Evatt, Chad Manuel, Shannon Wilson, Kim Hand, Steven Gibbs, Matthew Hetzel, Tammy Waller, Debbie Mura, James Godwin, Scott Lindsay, Sandy Burroughs, Beth Collins, Blake Diamond, Mike Gordy, Daniel Jay, Bryan McGill, Jeff Nall, Linda Raines, Kelly Thames, Chris Wilson, Lisa Helton, Chuckie Davison, Dana Pettis, Wendy Bell, Linda Smith
1956. Original fellowship hall. (Now, the Coffee Cafe.) A Family night supper. Recognize anyone?
Help us with this picture? Names? Date? Occasion?
August 26, 1956 Homecoming. Rev. and Mrs. Bob Norman, Mr. J. O. Lumpkin, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Adams
1950’s. The general officers of the church: R. R. Long, trustee; Tommy Hand, Sunday School superintendent; B. W. Carter, church clerk; Mrs. David Becker, church secretary; Jack Currie, treasurer; Garland Butler, Training Union director; John P. Hale, chairman of the deacons
VBS 1966. Children: Elizabeth Beasley, Herbert Holk, Lori Burgett, David Bailey, Cheryle James. Teachers: Jeanette Smith, Irma Helton, Florence Donaldson. (Picture, courtesy of Jeanette Smith)
VBS 1968. Front row: Turner Sanford, _________, Felecia Brantley, Sandra Johnson, Scott Dew, Lisa Lipscomb, Nancy Furney. Back row: Sheila Copeland, Irma Helton, Jeanette Smith, Florence Donaldson. (Picture, courtesy of Jeanette Smith)
VBS 1969. Back row: Sheila Copeland, Irma Helton, Jeanette Smith, Florence Donaldson. Girls: Janie Erwin, Ann Bush, Kim Daniel, Leslie Lancaster, Melisia Shite, Sandra Biggs. Boys: Lee Pettis, Cooper Shattuck, Lacy Weaver, Randall Barnett, Jeff Barnes. (Picture, courtesy of Jeanette Smith)
VBS 1971. Teachers: Irma Helton, Jeanette Smith. Students, front row: Michelle Lipscomb, Rhonda Blackwell, Lamar Windham, Shellie Mills, Deborah Bell. Students, back row: Tonya Boone, Shane Adams, Jennifer Hodgens, Kim McKay, Kim Eddins. (Picture, courtesy of Jeanette Smith)
Senior Adult Day (Around year 2000) Front Row: Leon Troutman, Willie Lois Troutman, Chuck Page, Iris Page (in wheelchair), Gladys Middleton, Haskew Middleton, John Shiver, Myrtle Shiver, Elsie Nall. Second Row: Jack Ward, Betty Ward, Charles Hayles, Sang Hayles, Bill Hendrix, Dot Hendrix (partially hidden), Cliff Frazier, Gladys Frazier, Merrill Hanks, Grace Hanks. Third Row: Clara O’Farrell, Roy Helton, Irma Helton, Lucille Peacock, A. J. Peacock. Fourth Row: Leslie Hardy, Florence Hardy, Gertrude Smith, Jack Smith, Ruby Barden, Elwood Barden, Kathryn Lowrey, Charles Lowrey (Photo by Ina Stafford)
This was the original pulpit, platform and railings, for the new sanctuary in 1970. Charles Haddon Spurgeon would have felt right at home “climbing up into” the pulpit!
Sunday School, 1990’s. Norris Brooks, and Anthony Patrick
Sunday School teachers, 1990’s. From left to right, Hilary Reaves, Janet Brantley, Alan Bell
YWA Organization, c. 1950). Left to right: Betty Jo Ryals, Annie Sue Landrum, Jacquelyn Buxton, Johnnie Barnett, Anne White, Elise Simpson, Jackie Howard, Cathering Pipkin, Jeannie Howard, Margaret Grimsley, Max White, Barbara Howell, Mrs. T. M. Faris, Grace Waller, Mrs. Earl Goldsmith, Theresa Moore, Annie Green, Ouida Green, Mrs. Chester Benton (seated)
Note: Jerrell Lenson Bunn, 76, of Russellville, AL passed away July 17, 2012.
From his obituary: He was preceded in death by his daughter, Patrice Ashe, Survivors include his wife of 38 wonderful years, Billie Bunn, Sons, Terrell Bunn ( Priscilla ), David Bunn ( Brenda ), Brian Hudgins ( Brittany ) and Christopher Anderson. Daughters, Donna Weas, and Lisa Gierlinski,( Jimmy )
Fifteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Brother Jerrell was a retired Baptist Minister and a Minister of Music for 60 plus years, always putting God first in his life.
Belle Manning Bachelor, Girls Auxiliary director.
WMU Program (1955-1958). Mrs. Ralph Myrick, Mrs. Robert J. Norman, Mrs. C. E. Bachelor (lower right)
Combined children’s and youth choir. At left, is director, John Christy.
YWA Organization. (c. 1960). Left to right: Patsy Jones, _______, Jeannie Chunn, Bebe Currie, Patricia Christy, Mary Rushing, Brenda Turner, ________, _______, Sylvia Snyder, Martha Shiver, Patsy Lowery. If you know can identify others, please notify us at [email protected]
Youth Choir, c. mid-50’s. Front row, left to right: Sheila Lockwood, Judy Beth Carden, Jeanie Chunn, Faye Brenda Parker, Ann Amos, __________, Beverly Troutman, Pepper Brown, Diane Lawley, Judy Nall, Clair Wise, Ike Northrup. Middle row: ___________, Wayne Stacey, Mary Beth Findley, Pat Patrick, Brenda Gibbs, Frances Bryars, Leola Merriwether, Martha Marsh, Marilyn Frazier, Doug Owens, James Lewis Merriwether, Jr. Back row: Clara Gibbs, Richard Jones, Virgina Cureton, Bobby Middleton, Randy Currie, Peggy Richards, _________Jimmy Lumpkin, Billy McCrory. (Thanks to Roger Owens for identifications). If you know the date, or can identify unidentified choir members, please notify us at [email protected]
Baptist Men (Brotherhood) leaders: Left to right: J. M. Hand, Carl Copeland, Stuart Hoomes, Garland Butler, Charles Lowrey, ______________. If you know the date, occasion, or can identify any of the others, please notify us at [email protected]
(1955-1958) The lady in the middle is Jean Norman. To her left is Mrs. David Becker. If you know the occasion, or can identify the other lady, please notify us at [email protected]
November 11, 1956. Groundbreaking for a second educational building (Fellowship Hall). Left to right: Raymond Blanton (Contractor), Melvin Nall (Education Director), Pastor Bob Norman, R. R. Long, Jr. (Building Committee Chairman), J. L. Merriwether (Budget Committee Chairman), J. P. Hale, Jr. (Building Committee Member), T. M. Hand
This picture was taken at the Trammell Street entrance to the Fellowship Hall on June 30, 1957, at the Dedication of the new Educational Building (Fellowship Hall). The man standing on the left if Mr. J. M. Hand. The lady wearing sunglasses is Lucille Brown, and to her right, Terry Turner. The two ladies to the right, from right to left , are: Joyce Chunn, and Sylvia Snyder. (Thanks to Roger Owens for identifications). If you can identify any of the others, please notify us at [email protected]
The young lady in the middle, in the striped blouse is Carolyn Peacock. If you know the date, occasion, or can identify any other, please notify us at [email protected]
Second Anniversary of Family Night Suppers, c. 1950’s. Servers standing left to right: Cliff Frazier, Bernard Tremer, Red Howell, J. C. Spicer, Odus Wise, D. T. Peavy
Do you know who this beautiful little girl is? This picture was taken before 1970. If you know, please let us know: [email protected]
1998. Mrs. Rubye Lee Kizer, presented as “Senior Adult of the Year,” by pastor J. Kelly Brown.
1955. Irma Helton registering Mike Walters (2 hours old) in the church Cradle Roll, with mother Lola Walters.
1970’s. At Mrs. John Hale’s home. Not in order: Rachel Brown, Patsy Macholovitch Brown, Karen Freeman, Levice Haynie, Geneva Brantley, Jean Johnson, Sarah Ackerman, Betty Burkett, Patricia Cooper.
C. 1950’s? WMU Missions Study: First row: Mrs. J. Edward Carden, Mrs. Joe Holland, Mrs. Floyd Findley, Mrs. N. L. Ficklin, Mrs. K. R. Mallory, Mrs. Melvin Nall. Second row: Mrs. Herbert Barnes, Mrs. J Adams, Mrs. O. H. Sharpless, Mrs. Earl Snyder, Mrs. Ben Tew, Mrs. J. B. Weekley, Mrs. G. A. Collins, ___________. Third row: Mrs. Lackey, ________, ___________, __________, Mrs. Jacob Merriwether, Mrs. Earl Goldsmith, Mrs. Chester Benton, Mrs. H. H. Hendrix. (It’s a shame women of this era didn’t have first names of their own).
Late 1940’s or early 1950’s. First row, to the left, Bill O’Neal. Second row, 4th from the left is Doris Landrum, and to the far right iss Marilyn Jones. Third row, from the left is pastor Shep Bryan (1948-1952), and T. M. Hand. Back row, in front of the door is James Jewis Merriweather, far right is Odus Wise. (Thanks to Roger Owens for identifications). If you know the date, or can identify any others, please notify us at [email protected]
“Nursery IV.” The lady seated on the right is Kathryn Lowrey. The boy seated on the right by Mrs. Lowrey is Alan Holmes. If you know the date, or can identify any others, please notify us at [email protected]
Nursery. Ladies are: Jessie C. McKinley, and Barbara Helton. If you can date this picture or know the names of any of the children, please notify us at [email protected]
In the middle, front row: Norman McCrummen, pastor. (1952-1955). Third from the right on the first row is J. M. Hand. If you know the occasion, or can identify any of the people in the first few rows, please notify us at [email protected]
The “Beginner 1” Sunday School Department. Two of the ladies standing from left to right are Clara O’Farrell, Elsie Nall. The children: Mike Flowers (standing in front of Mrs. Nall), Deborah Holmes (top of her face and head, in front of Mrs. O’Farrell), Darrell Copeland (Row 2, 2nd boy on the left), Rodney Helton (1st Row, left side, boy in the center), David Harms (1st Row, in plaid shirt), Becky Vickery (beside David Harms). (Thanks to Deborah Holmes Hammons for identifications. If you know the date, or can identify any others, please notify us at [email protected])
1955. Pastor Norman McCrummen and family. After he accepted a call from First Baptist Church of Selma, the church gathered funds to purchase him a new 1955 Ford to entice him to stay. The car got he and his family safely to his new pastorate in Selma! (Marvin Risher says the car was beautiful– a dark forest green)
The church Brotherhood. From left to right: B. W. Carter, Dave Becker, Odus Wise, __________, Stuart Hoomes, Tommy Hand, __________, Bill O’neal, _________, _________, J. O. “Jelly” Lumpkin, ___________, ___________, ___________. (Thanks for Roger Owens for identifications). If you know the date, occasion, or can identify any of the others, please notify us at [email protected]
YWA Organization, c. 1950. First row: Annie Sue Landrum, Jacquelyn Buxton, Anne White, Catherin Pipkin, Jackie Hoard, Jeannie Howard, Johnnie Barnett. Second row: Elise Simpson, Margaret Grimsley, Barbara Howell, Max White, Grace Waller, Theresa Moore. Third row: Mrs. T. M. Faris (Leader), Annie Rice, Ouida Green, Betty Jo Ryals.
The church’s parsonage on the corner of Trammell Street and Horner Street. Between the time it served as a residence for pastors, and the time it was torn down in 1969, the building was used for educational space.
From the church bulletin, June 14, 1964.
1990’s. Bill and Belle Whitehead
1990’s. Wilbur T. “Dick” and Maxine Brown.
1990’s. Don, Amber, and Ann Gordon
1990’s. Ladies of the church. Sharon McGhee, Grace Ikner, Donna Brown, and Dean Graham.
1990’s. Men in the kitchen. Left to right: Charles Karrick, Fred Zuiderhoek, Leon Lyles, Woodrow Pettis, Robert Hendrix, Billy Conn Madison and Homer Nix.
1990’s. Haskew and Gladys Middleton
1990’s. Irma Helton and Tommie Jones
1990’s. Becky and James “Peanut” McDonald
1990’s. Jessie and Kathy McKinley
Christmas in the kitchen. Year: 2000 Left to Right: Kathleen Reaves, Clarence Akins, Barbara Dickerson, Bill Whitehead, Jeanette Smith, Bell Whitehead, Audrey Barnes, and Bobbie Akins (Partially hidden).
Billy and Laura Nelson. Year: 2000
The old stained glass windows in the sanctuary, before Hurricane Ivan.
Tina and Scott Francis. Year: 2000
1990’s. Charles Wardrop, Marvin Risher, Uley Wise.
Youth Choir. Year: 2000 Front row: Ryan Brown, Bo Bonner, Terry Roberts (Youth Pastor), ____________, Jarrod Day. Back row: Joanna White, Natalie Day, Rebecca Stuart, __________, Mandi Norton, Sarah Frances Thompson, _____________, Heather Quimby, Darby Jernigan. (Thanks to Mandi Norton Carter for identifications) If you can identify others, please let us know: [email protected]
1990’s Pat and Bob Bonner
1990’s. Sam and Dean Graham
1990’s. Bill and Dot Hendrix
Deborah Holmes (Hammons), G. A. presentation, 1967.
Deborah Holmes (Hammons), at G. A. Coronation, 1971
1990’s. Mrs. Evelyn “E. T.” Turberville, and Kortney Reid
The Holmes Family, Circa 1967. Front row: Herbert Bryars Holmes, Mary Cornelia Helton Holmes, Benjamin Lamar Holmes. Back row: Amelia Carleen Holmes Jones, Deborah Elaine Holmes (Hammons), Alan Wayne Holmes
1990’s. Laura and Billy Nelson
1990’s. Robert and Melanie Hendrix
1990’s. Roger and Sandra Owens
Year 2000. Roy and Irma Helton, Barbara Haley
1990’s. Mrs. Alyne Barnes (Joan Nix’s mother), Myrtle Shiver, John Shiver, Leo Nall, Elsie Nall.
Advertisement for a performance of the FBC Youth Choir, 1973. Left to right, First row: David Campbell (Director), Kellene Davis, Martha Nettles, _____________, ___________, Jonni Lynn Hayles, Deborah Crook, Ralph Coleman (behind Deborah Crook), Janet Helton, Cheryl Biggs, Kathy Lowrey, Deborah Holmes, Janelle Hyler, Jennifer Smith, Susan Tennant, Becky Wells, Darrell Copeland, Jenlynn Hyler, Brian Flowers. Second row: Janice Nix, _________, ________, ________, _________, ___________, Sharon McKay, Anne Graham, Roxanne Beyette, ________, Shannon Zuiderhoek, ___________, ___________, Mike Flowers, Eddie McKinley, Linda Stafford, Carol McKay, _______________, Myra Parker. Third row: _____________, _____________Hardy, _______________, _________________, Janet Smith, Cathy Bell, Sandra Tennant, Greg Ward, Susan Martin, Lynn Lufkin, Burt Shell, Gayle Graham, _____________, Dawn Malone, Polly Nall, Donna Reaves. Back row: ___________Hardy ______________, Susan Butler, _________, Eddie Butler (by speaker), Christy Burkett, ___________John Hoomes, Pat Hendrix (in front of Randy Bolden),Randy Bolden, ____________, Lynn Lufkin, ______________, Scott Dew, Greg Dew, David McKinley, Mike Stanley, _____________, James Helton, Glenn Fillmore, Karen Smith, Sally Barnett. (Thanks to Deborah Holmes Hammons for picture and identifications. If you can identify others, or complete first/last names, please let us know at [email protected])
Our Acteens, featured on the cover of, and in the September 1989 Accent Magazine: Left to right: Connie Owens, Sharon Ash, Stephanie Pate, Audrey Johnson. (Thanks to Sandra Owens for this picture)
From page 10 of the September, 1989 Accent Magazine, our Acteen leader, Sandra Biggs. (Thanks to Sandra Owens for this picture)
Ladies in an Adult Sunday School assembly (around 2003): In order of appearance from left to right: Beth Lyles, Sue Higginbotham, Jeanette Smith, ___________(hidden), Audrey Barnes, Ina Stafford, Pat Bonner, Joyce Fuller, Dean Graham, Laura Nelson, Myrna Hodgen, Anita Risher _________, Barbara Dickerson, Ouida McGill, Joan Nix.
A ladies Sunday School class (around 2003). From left to right: Ouida McGill, Jeanette Smith, Pat Bonner, Joan Nix ___________, Beth Lyles (hidden), Audrey Barnes, Dean Graham (teacher).
Lucille King-Swift and Harold Fuller (around 2003)
An adult men’s Sunday School class (around 2003). From left to right: James Biggs, Homer Nix, Ray Hodgen, Sam Graham, Roy Burkett, Roy Ikner, Billy Nelson, Theron Maddox
A ladies’ Sunday School class (around 2003): From left to right: Fay Franklin, Joyce Fuller, Anita Risher, Ouida McGill, Jeanette Smith, Pat Bonner
Adult Sunday School assembly (around 2003). In order of appearance from left to right: Lucille Howell, Amyrillis Davis, James Norris, Leon Troutman (hidden), Ethel Norton, ___________, Sang Hayles, John Shiver, __________ (hidden), Marvis Ward, Dorothy Cipperly (hidden), James Merriwether, Haskew Middleton, Gene Hall, Charles Lowrey, ___________, __________, Buford Stacey.
The Willing Workers Sunday School Class, (around 2003). From left to right: Ruby Lowrey, ____________, Charlotte Boyle (teacher), Barbara Haley, Dot Killam.
The Adult 4 Sunday School Department (around 2003). In order of appearance from left to right: Mildred Fancher, Sang Hayles, Irma Beech, Evelyn Turberville, Lettie Blackwell, Myrtle Shiver, Joyce Fuller, Lucille Howell, Alice Walker, Cleo Furney, Amyrillis Davis, Marvis Ward, John Shiver, Gene Hall, Chuck Page, Evelyn Latham, Kathryn Lowrey, ____________, James Norris, ___________, Buford Stacey, Charles Lowrey, Dorothy Cipperly, Charles Waldrop, Jean Johnson, Leon Troutman, Elsie Nall, Charles Hayles.
The John Smith Sunday School Class (around 2003). In order of appearance from left to right: Irma Helton, Shirley Pettis, Myrtle Merchant, Ethel Barnett, Jean Johnson, ____________, Shirley Madison, Homer Nix, Opal Stanley, Gary Purvis, Virgie Biggs, Ruby Barden, Grace Hanks, Lucille Peacock, Windom Stanley, Lloyd Biggs, Nell Thomas, Don Gordon, Margaret Byrd, Merrill Hanks, Elwood Barden, ______________, Troy Byrd, Woodrow Pettis (Teacher), Addie Belle Copeland, Billy Conn Madison, Dot Hendrix, Bill Hendrix, Ann Gordon
The Jubilee Singers, 2013. From left to right: Leon Lyles, Pat Bonner, John Padgett, Beth Lyles, Faye Dunn, Joan Nix, Lucille King-Swift, Haskell Dunn (Director), Gwen Brantley, Dean Graham, Ina Stafford, Barbara Dickerson, Grace Ikner, Anita Risher, Evelyn Turberville, Marvin Risher, Betty Ward, Evelyn Latham, Jack Ward.
This is the oldest picture we have. In 1918, the Patterson Chapel was one year old, yet these boys are standing in front of the old sanctuary on Trammell Street. (Thanks Leslie Sellers for finding, an submitting this picture.)